Walking Meditation To Step Into Your Empowered Future
1 hr 23 min
This experiential walking meditation encourages you to realign your thoughts and emotions, raising your vibrational frequency as you step into a future filled with potential and empowerment. Perfect for beginning your day with purpose, be guided through breathing exercises, visualisation techniques, and affirmations to help you embody your future self. Embrace the energy of the present moment, feel the joy of existence, and create a new life with every step you take.
About the Guide
Shreans Daga
Shreans Daga, a successful entrepreneur and spiritual teacher, expertly balances spirituality with running a thriving business and maintaining an active social life. With extensive knowledge in Spirituality, Meditation, Neuroscience, Breathwork, Transgenerational Healing, and Manifestation, Shreans has learned from hundreds of Global Spiritual Masters and has even shared the stage with renowned speakers including Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Jim Kwik, and Jack Canfield. Shreans believes in celebrating life and embracing every aspect of it. His mission to empower individuals globally inspired him to establish the Shreans Daga Foundation. The foundation teaches the science of spirituality, helping over 1 million people achieve healing and transformation through pro bono workshops, courses, and events.